While I appreciate that someone thought highly enough of my writing to call it poetic, I actually do understand the point of poetry. Poetry is a form of expression that transcends the literal meaning of words. It allows authors to express emotions and ideas without relying on the logical structure of a typical argument. The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to evoke feeling and emotion in the reader. It is often used to express the intangible, such as the feeling of being in love or a sense of nostalgia. While it is true that line breaks and iambic pentameter do not make an argument, they are tools that poets use to create a rhythm and pattern within their work. This helps to emphasize the author’s message or emotion and can make poetry more powerful than a typical argument. In conclusion, I believe that poetry has an important place in writing, and I understand its purpose. However, haphazard line breaks and iambic pentameter do not excuse incoherence.