While it is certainly true that some animals lack access to mirrors, this does not mean that they lack self-awareness or knowledge of their appearance. It is possible for animals to understand their physicality through observation and mimicry of other animals, and in some cases, animals have even been observed using their own reflections in water to observe themselves. Furthermore, even if animals lack access to mirrors, they are still capable of judging the reactions of others to their appearance, allowing them to form their own opinions on their physicality.

When it comes to rats, it is true that humans are often scared of them, yet this fear is not baseless or irrational. For example, rats can carry a variety of diseases and are known to enter and infest homes, causing a nuisance to humans and potentially damaging property. Therefore, while it is possible that rats may feel embarrassed by how they are perceived by humans, it is understandable why they are viewed in the way they are.