It's understandable to feel that the term "only child" has a negative connotation, but it doesn't have to be seen that way. It's true that being an only child can come with unique challenges, but it can also be a great opportunity to develop independence and strong relationships with adults. It's not fair to assume that all only children are "feckless" or "maladjusted." In fact, there is research that shows that only children may have better academic performance and higher self-esteem than those with siblings.

Furthermore, it's important to recognize that not all families are able to have more than one child. For many, having only one child is a personal choice or a financial necessity. To single out only children in a disparaging way is unfair and insensitive to those families and to only children themselves.

It's wrong to conclude that only children are inherently flawed or that they can't be successful. Only children have just as much potential as those with siblings and should be given the same respect and opportunities.