It is understandable that there are mixed feelings about childbirth, and many people experience a range of emotions. But to suggest that couples should be met with phrases of forgiveness and no congratulations upon announcing a pregnancy is misguided. While it is true that many people struggle with the reality of parenthood and the changes that it brings, childbirth itself should be celebrated.

Giving birth is an incredible act of love, courage, and strength, and it deserves to be acknowledged. For many people, having a child is a joyous, life-affirming experience, and the announcement of a pregnancy should be met with excitement and positivity. It is an opportunity to share in the couple's joy and to offer them support as they embark on this new journey.

The language of “forgiveness” implies that couples are making a mistake by having children, and that simply isn’t true. Every couple needs to make their own decisions about when and if to start a family, and we should respect those decisions. It is wrong to suggest that childbirth should be met with anything other than congratulations.