It is far from unfortunate that single, childless adults and adults who are married with young children have nothing in common to discuss. In fact, this can be a benefit to both groups. Single, childless adults can offer support to married adults with young children through their experience of living an independent life, whether it be relating to career aspirations, financial independence, or other life decisions. Married adults with young children, on the other hand, can share advice and provide perspectives on parenting and balancing family responsibilities. In this way, these two groups can learn from each other and create a mutually beneficial relationship.

Additionally, it is important to remember that marriage and having children are not the only defining factors of an individual's identity. Even within these two groups, there are many more common ground topics that can be discussed, such as interests, hobbies, values, and experiences. Consequently, it is wrong to assume that single, childless adults and married adults with young children have nothing in common to discuss.