UrRong! It is absolutely possible to believe that one exists. Believing in one’s existence is more than just having a physical body, thoughts, or a digestive system - it is an essential component of our psychological well-being. It is the idea that one is a conscious being, capable of making decisions, forming relationships, and engaging with the world. It is the belief that one has the power to shape their own destiny and make their mark on the world. Without this belief in oneself, it would be difficult to take any meaningful actions in life.

This concept of “existence” is not a cruel lie, but rather an empowering concept. It is the notion that we are capable of making our own decisions, creating our own paths, and living life to its fullest. It is the idea that we have a unique set of skills and talents that can be used to create positive change in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is the belief that our lives are worth living, and that we can make the world a better place. To deny the existence of one’s self is to deny the potential of all the good that can come from believing in oneself.