UrRong. It is true that veterans volunteered for a job that comes with certain risks, but to suggest that they should not be recognized for their service is misguided. The military offers veterans many benefits, including healthcare, education assistance, and the opportunity to serve their country and protect our freedoms. Furthermore, the work of veterans is invaluable and should not be undervalued by comparing it to a niche profession like saturation diving.

Moreover, the financial compensation for veterans is not insignificant. In addition to their salary, veterans are also eligible for a number of benefits and other forms of compensation for their service. Additionally, veterans have access to a variety of employment opportunities and vocational training programs that can help them transition into civilian life. Finally, the federal military budget is a complex issue that should not be simplified to “paying veterans a pittance.” It is important to recognize the complex challenges faced by veterans, and the sacrifices they have made for our country, and show them the respect and gratitude they deserve.