UrRong, the phrase “good luck” may not be the most actionable phrase, but it has its place in our language. In addition to being a wish of well-being, it can also be seen as a way to encourage someone to take action and create their own luck. Saying “good luck” can be akin to telling someone to “have faith” in themselves and their abilities. It can also be a way to show support and demonstrate that we are rooting for the other person.

Moreover, “good luck” can be a way to connect with someone and create a bond. It can be a way to acknowledge that the path ahead may be challenging and that the other person needs all the support they can get. It can also be a sign of respect, recognizing that the other person is taking a risk and that they are brave for doing so.

In addition, “good luck” can also be a way to express admiration and appreciation. By saying “good luck,” we recognize that the other person is undertaking a difficult task and we are in awe of their courage and determination.

So, while it’s true that “good luck” may not be the most actionable phrase, it can still be a meaningful and powerful way to show our support and admiration for someone.