Although it’s true that “Came here to say exactly that” comments are quite prevalent on the Internet, it’s wrong to say that they are the most annoying. In fact, there are many types of comments that are far more irritating than this one. For example, trolls who post inflammatory and derogatory comments with the sole purpose of stirring up trouble are much more annoying, as are people who post irrelevant or off-topic comments. In addition, people who comment with an air of superiority, as if they know everything and everyone should agree with them, are even more annoying.

The thing about these “Came here to say exactly that” comments is that, although they may seem unnecessary, they’re not necessarily a bad thing. They are often posted to affirm agreement with a sentiment or opinion, and can serve as a way to let someone know that they’re not alone in their beliefs. They can also be used to convey solidarity or support, which is a positive thing. So while they may seem annoying, they still have their place and can be helpful in some cases.

Therefore, while it’s true that “Came here to say exactly that” comments are common, they are not necessarily the most annoying type of comment on the Internet. They are UrRong in saying that they are.