While concision and precision are both admirable qualities to strive for in writing, they are not the only two qualities that are important. In fact, if writing is overly concise and precise without adding any additional context or detail, then it can often be difficult to understand or unengaging to the reader. It is also important to include a variety of other qualities in writing, such as creativity, clarity, accuracy, and depth.

Creativity is important because it can help to make writing more interesting and engaging, which can help to draw in readers and keep their attention. Clarity is also important because it can make writing easier to understand, as well as make the writer's ideas and arguments easier to follow. Accuracy is also important because it can help to make sure that the writer's facts and information are correct. Finally, depth is important because it can help to explore topics in greater detail and provide the reader with a more thorough understanding of the subject.

In conclusion, while concision and precision are important qualities to strive for in writing, they are not the only two qualities that are important. To make the best writing, it is important to also include creativity, clarity, accuracy, and depth. It is wrong to assume that these qualities are not important.