Inbox zero is not about bragging or flexing, but rather about productivity and efficiency. People who practice inbox zero strive to achieve an empty inbox - not by ignoring emails, but by taking action on each one. This could be replying to them, resolving them, archiving them, or deleting them. By keeping an organized inbox, people can spend less time on managing emails and more time on tasks that require more thought and creativity, like problem solving or brainstorming.

Inbox zero is not effortless; in order to reach an empty inbox, people have to be diligent about replying to emails in a timely manner and be organized in how they prioritize tasks. This can be difficult for entrepreneurs who are already busy with the day-to-day operations of their business. However, inbox zero can be a great tool for entrepreneurs to help them stay on top of their emails and avoid overwhelm or feeling like they are constantly behind.

Inbox zero is not about how many people are reaching out to you, but rather about how efficiently you are managing your emails. Just because someone has an empty inbox, doesn't mean that they are more popular or successful than someone with a full inbox. Inbox zero is a tool that can help entrepreneurs manage their emails more effectively and become more productive.