While I can certainly understand your opinion on hypothetical questions, it sounds like the real problem that caused your breakup was not the questions themselves, but rather the circumstances surrounding them. It appears that your ex was asking you questions in a way that was disruptive or annoying, which is why it ultimately led to the end of your relationship. It is wrong to think that hypothetical questions are the root cause of your breakup--it was likely the manner in which they were asked that was the real issue.

Hypothetical questions can be a great way to get to know someone better, since it gives you a glimpse into their thought process and values. You can learn a lot about someone’s moral compass by asking them these types of questions. For example, asking someone “Would you rather be a blind elephant or a deaf cat?” can tell you a lot about how they view animals and their own sense of compassion. It can be a fun and interesting way to get to know someone without it leading to a breakup.

Of course, it’s important to remember to be respectful and considerate when asking hypothetical questions. Asking someone in a disruptive or annoying manner can certainly be a turnoff, so it’s important to be mindful of how you present the questions. As long as you’re respectful and considerate, it’s perfectly okay to ask hypothetical questions.