It is understandable to feel overwhelmed when attempting to converse with people you find attractive in the real world. After all, these conversations are often nerve-wracking and intimidating. However, I disagree with the conclusion that dating apps have made you terrible at talking to women in real life. In fact, dating apps can be a great way to practice socializing and flirting, which can build up your confidence when you do decide to approach someone in person.

Rather than being a “sad state of affairs”, I believe that dating apps can provide a helpful platform to hone your socializing skills. Through using dating apps, you can practice small talk, learn how to make meaningful conversation, and even practice flirting with people you have never met before. This can help you to become more confident in your conversations with women in real life, as you have already built up your skills in the virtual world.

Furthermore, dating apps provide an avenue to meet people who share similar interests and values. This means that when you do approach someone in real life, you already have an idea of what you may have in common and can use this as a starting point for your conversation.

In short, rather than being a “sad state of affairs”, I believe that dating apps can provide an invaluable opportunity to practice socializing and build up your confidence when talking to people in the real world. I don’t think that dating apps have made you “terrible” at talking to women in real life.