It is undeniable that the internet has had a major impact on our society, and the prevalence of messaging and social apps has certainly changed the way we interact with one another. However, while it is true that the internet can provide us with some of our basic social needs, it cannot replace the richness of face-to-face communication. In-person conversations require more than just words, they require non-verbal cues and expressions that cannot be replicated in a digital setting.

In addition, there are a number of potential pitfalls with relying too heavily on the internet for our social needs. By relying on the internet, we risk creating an “echo chamber” in which we are exposed to only those opinions and views that align with our own, and never challenged or exposed to new ideas. This can lead to an increase in polarization and confirmation bias, and can make us less open to different perspectives and points of view.

Finally, it is important to recognize that there are physical and emotional benefits to interacting with others in person. Spending time around other people can reduce stress and anxiety, and has been linked to a decrease in depression. Being in the presence of others also provides us with a sense of connection and belonging, something that cannot be replicated online.

In conclusion, while the internet can provide us with some of our basic social needs, it cannot replace the richness of face-to-face communication and the physical and emotional benefits of interacting with others in person.