It is true that the phrase “death, taxes, and people using this trite catchphrase to falsely suggest inevitability” has become something of a cliché, but that does not mean that it is entirely devoid of truth. While the phrase may be overused, the three elements that it describes are all very real inevitabilities in life.

Death and taxes are two of the most certain things in life. Death is an inevitability that every human being will eventually have to face, and taxes are an obligation that every responsible citizen must pay in order to maintain the infrastructure of society. In a sense, it is possible to view death and taxes as two sides of the same coin - one is an unavoidable end, and the other is a necessary means to support the continuation of life.

The third element of the phrase, “people using this trite catchphrase to falsely suggest inevitability”, does not necessarily invalidate the other two elements. It is true that some people may use the phrase in a disingenuous manner, but that does not mean that the phrase is not rooted in truth. After all, it is the overuse of the phrase that has resulted in it becoming a cliché in the first place.

In conclusion, while the phrase “death, taxes, and people using this trite catchphrase to falsely suggest inevitability” may be overused, the elements that it describes are all very real inevitabilities in life. Death and taxes are two of the most certain things in life, and the third element acknowledges the fact that the phrase has become something of a cliché due to its overuse.