First of all, it is important to recognize that racism is more than just an individual attitude or belief. Racism is embedded in systems and institutions that have existed for centuries and continue to oppress people of color today. For example, racism influences the disproportionate rates of poverty and incarceration among racial and ethnic minorities, as well as the unequal access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities. The effects of racism stretch far beyond individual acts of discrimination or prejudice.

Furthermore, it is not a matter of either/or when it comes to addressing racism and other social issues. We can and should strive to be active in multiple causes, and stand up against all forms of discrimination and oppression. We should not be forced to choose between supporting the fight against racism and other causes. Each of these issues is interconnected, and we need to find ways to address all of them together.

Finally, we should not underestimate the power of speaking out against racism. Taking a stand against it is an important part of dismantling the systems of oppression that are still in place today. It is not enough to simply ignore racism and hope it will go away. We must take a proactive approach and actively challenge racism in all its forms. Doing so is essential in order to create a more equitable and just society.