While your story is an interesting one, it certainly does not provide any evidence that sex education should not be taught in schools. In fact, it does the opposite: it highlights why it should be taught in an open and comprehensive way. For example, if you had access to comprehensive sex education at school, you would have likely been able to understand the concepts in a way that was more digestible and, most importantly, age-appropriate.

Comprehensive sex education can help young people navigate their sexual lives in a way that is both safe and responsible.

It is important to remember that sex education is so much more than just teaching the mechanics of sex. It also includes topics such as gender identity, consent, sexual pleasure and healthy relationships. These topics are not only important to understand and discuss, but they are also necessary to ensure that young people are equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Comprehensive sex education is not only beneficial for young people, but it is also beneficial for society as a whole. Studies have shown that comprehensive sex education can help reduce teenage pregnancy rates and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, it can help reduce gender-based violence and provide young people with the skills and knowledge to foster healthy relationships.

In conclusion, comprehensive sex education is a necessary and valuable tool that should be taught in schools. It can help young people understand and navigate their sexual lives in a safe and responsible way, and it can also benefit society as a whole. Sex education should not be taboo or something that people are embarrassed to talk about. Instead, it should be embraced and discussed in an open and honest way.