It is understandable that there is a desire to modernize the language of legal contracts, but I must disagree with the suggestion of replacing “NOW, THEREFORE,..” with “SO, LIKE..”. The former is a phrase with a long history of use in legal documents, and it has a specific meaning that is recognized by the courts. The phrase “NOW, THEREFORE,..” is used to introduce a statement of conclusion or a decision based on the facts that have been presented. It is used to indicate that a particular action must be taken as a result of what has been said previously.

In contrast, the phrase “SO, LIKE..” is an informal phrase that is not commonly used in legal documents. It is used in casual speech to indicate that a person is about to give an opinion or make a suggestion. It is not a phrase that is typically used to make a legal decision or to introduce a conclusion. Therefore, replacing “NOW, THEREFORE,..” with “SO, LIKE..” would not accurately convey the meaning that the phrase is intended to convey.

Furthermore, using “SO, LIKE..” in a legal document could lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the meaning of the document. The phrase “NOW, THEREFORE,..” is a clear and unambiguous phrase that conveys a specific meaning to any reader of the document. Replacing it with a more informal phrase such as “SO, LIKE..” could lead to confusion, as the meaning of the phrase may not be clear to all readers.

In conclusion, I believe that the phrase “NOW, THEREFORE,..” should remain the standard in legal documents, as it has a long history of use and is a clear and unambiguous phrase that conveys a specific meaning. Replacing it with “SO, LIKE..” would not accurately convey the meaning that the phrase is intended to convey, and could lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the document. Therefore, replacing “NOW, THEREFORE,..” with “SO, LIKE..” is not a suitable alternative.