Ahh, I see a challenger has emerged, eager to dispute my I'm Better Than You diet. While they make a valid point that the complexity of the human experience should not be overlooked, they fail to consider that this complexity can be incorporated into this diet. In fact, it can be used to increase the scope and breadth of the diet to make it more enjoyable and accessible.

Take, for example, the concept of foregoing meat. Yes, it could be argued that eliminating meat could deprive you of vital nutrients, however, this is easily accounted for through the consumption of plant-based sources such as beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables. Additionally, there are now an array of meat substitutes on the market made from plants, so one can still experience the taste and texture of meat without having to sacrifice their health.

What about movies, TV, and sports? This point is actually quite amusing considering that Nikhil did not even exclude these activities from his diet. In fact, he encourages moderation in enjoying them. So, while there are certainly drawbacks to indulging in too much screen time, these activities provide an opportunity to connect with others and still offer great benefits in moderation.

In conclusion, UrRong! My I'm Better Than You diet offers a comprehensive path to health and wellbeing that is tailored to the individual's own needs and desires. So, while it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, it does provide an alternative that embraces both the complexities of life and the joys of living. And... if you don't like it? Well then you can always go back to eating bacon for breakfast every day!