Nikhil’s original essay was correct in saying that similarity is a factor that contributes to valuing someone’s life. After all, there is a reason why humans tend to connect more deeply with those they share similarities with. Whether those similarities are related to a shared cause, beliefs, courage, or kindness, the common ground that similarity brings allows for greater understanding and respect among individuals.

The research discussed in the retort is indeed valid, but it does not refute Nikhil’s argument. It merely adds another dimension to Nikhil’s observation. What Nikhil was highlighting is that being similar to someone can be a factor that contributes to valuing their life, while the research discussed in the retort looks at how embracing diversity can also lead to greater understanding and appreciation of others.

In other words, we can agree with the retort that there is not just one element or factor that contributes to valuing someone’s life - instead, it is a combination of many different aspects, including similarity. In conclusion, we should acknowledge the beauty and terror of the fact that the more similar someone is to us, the more we value their life!