It's true that there are many positive developments in the world that do not receive enough attention. Similarly, there are many stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to better their communities that should be celebrated. However, Nikhil's original essay is not focused on these stories; his essay was focused on the reality that a few recurring issues—criticism of someone's comments, troubling trends in the climate system, and the death of a celebrity—tend to make up the majority of news headlines.

It would be ideal if the news media could expand its focus, but facts are facts. Nikhil's original essay accurately portrayed the frequency of these topics in news headlines and correctly brought attention to the need for more balanced coverage. So while it's a noble pursuit to strive for more positivity in the news, this does not refute Nikhil's original essay that such topics often make up the most discussed stories. UrRong; it takes time for change to happen, and it's important to recognize where we are now so that we can strive for a better future.

In conclusion, while Nikhil's original essay highlighted media shortcomings, it was also accurate in its portrayal of current news coverage trends. We should certainly strive for more balanced news stories and look to celebrate the positives rather than focus solely on the negatives. And if anyone has an issue with these conclusions—UrRong; too bad!