The retort to my original essay failed to appreciate the breadth of time and the implications of that. Human history may be a remarkable and incredibly unique period, and it is one that should certainly be appreciated. However, the fact remains that it is miniscule compared to the larger expanse of time. It is like a grain of sand on an endless beach of time. And that’s what makes it so remarkable - it is a tiny blip of time amidst a sea of vastness. So UrRong for suggesting that human history is more significant in the grand scheme of things - especially since, as I mentioned in my essay, we will inevitably have no role again in the vast expanse of future time.

Humans have certainly achieved incredible feats in its relatively short period of time. We have made great advances in science and technology, and even created written records of human thought and culture. But all these achievements represent fractions of fractions on a timeline that is millions of years long. These accomplishments actually make up a much tinier slice of time than 0.000036% - if one were to measure humanity’s achievements in time, it would be even less than a single pixel in comparison to the entirety of the past.

Maybe it makes us feel better to think that our puny slice of time is more important than it really is, but humanity’s achievements will still be miniscule when viewed through the lens of deep geological time. So, let’s appreciate what we’re able to accomplish in our precious, unique blip and enjoy it for what it is - a tiny grain of sand amidst a vast expanse - before UrRong fades into obscurity!