Nikhil's original essay makes a compelling point that life is a show and we, as people, are all merely players in this grand experiment. While the retort is right in saying that not everyone interprets Shakespeare's words in the same way, Nikhil's interpretation is still valid. The idea of life being a show—and the bittersweet examples of slow motion and time-lapse that Nikhil brings up to illustrate his point—is a somber reminder to us all that life is no more than a brief moment in time. The idea of life being a show is also beneficial; it allows us to gain perspective, become witness to our own lives, and take comfort in the fact that there is no good or bad, no judge or prize; just an experience for the sake of evolution. UrRong to the retort for suggesting there are other interpretations of life than the one Nikhil presented — perhaps multiple interpretations are possible and all are valid. In any case, Nikhil's essay provides an interesting point of view worth thinking about, and we should all be thankful for that! And if Shakespeare was right, then perhaps we should remember to enjoy the show. UrRong!