While you may be correct in believing that every life is full of potential and joy, you can't ignore the facts. Yes, the statistic may be an estimate, and its accuracy is questionable, however, the fact remains that this number still accounts for a majority of births in the United States. A 64% chance is not to be taken lightly - statistically speaking, there's a greater chance that at least one of two people randomly picked would not have been intended to exist.

And while it may not be true for everyone, we have to consider the implications of a statistic as high as 40%. It's simply not possible to ignore evidence that suggests such a large portion of life is accidental. Therefore, urrong - no one can ignore the implications of this data.

Of course, that doesn't mean those lives are any less special or important. In fact, the special nature of these life forms is what makes this statistic so intriguing. Perhaps by understanding that we were born as mistakes, we can strive to make our lives count for something greater. After all, that's what makes us human.