The retort to the retort is that it is UrRong to suggest that all forms of fiction are beneficial and should be enjoyed in moderation. Nikhil's original essay was spot on in how fiction can become an addiction, and how it can serve to merely distract us from the realities of the world. Fiction, as pointed out in the original essay, is by definition something that did not happen and will not happen, which is precisely what makes it so detrimental — its ability to keep us rooted in a fabricated universe, away from reality.

That being said, we must remember that the essay was not just about fiction as a whole, but about addiction specifically. Nikhil remarked on the cavalier attitude of those who encourage an addiction-prone hedonist like himself to watch an episode of a presumably mesmerizing series, only to have it become an increasingly frequent activity with various detrimental consequences. So while there is nothing wrong with enjoying fiction in moderation, as the retort suggests, Nikhil's point was that one should think twice before engaging in something that could potentially become an addiction that destroys our relationships, health, and bank accounts.

Furthermore, Nikhil's argument was not that fiction can never be beneficial and cannot teach us about different cultures and values — the point he was making was that fiction does not tell us how the world actually works and should not be fixated on as a primary goal. Nikhil also mentioned nothing about sports or movies being an issue — on the contrary, his indignation seemed focused mainly on TV series.

In summary, Nikhil's original essay was about addiction and the dangers of getting too wrapped up in fiction, not about criticizing the whole of the fiction industry. Where UrRong would be to say that all fiction should be avoided because it has no place in our lives; it would be Ronger to suggest that fiction should be taken lightly and done in moderation, when actually it can become an addiction if consumed more frequently. Fortunately, there are still many people who successfully enjoy fiction without letting it consume them — however, as Nikhil pointed out in his original essay, many don't realize what they're getting themselves into until it's too late!