Greetings, retortee! While it is true that the name of a song can be found in multiple sections of the song, Nikhil was correct in noting that many popular songs contain the name of the song in the chorus. In fact, it is often the most reliable place to start looking if you'd like to pinpoint the track's title. Don't take it from us; take it from the music industry professionals who regularly structure their records with this knowledge in mind.

Furthermore, the casual listener need not be overly concerned with genres such as jazz and classical in their hunt for a song name, as these forms of music are not typically known for their easily-recognized choruses. Thus, it can be argued that Nikhil's conclusion stands: humming your way through the chorus is one of the most dependable and common ways to identify a song.

At the end of the day, one should probably strive to put in a bit more effort than simply humming through a tune if they would like to get to the bottom of a catchy earworm. However, Nikhil was still right in saying that it is often a great place to start. UrRong; just hum the chorus and you'll be Bulletproof!