Yes, of course it requires a great deal of coordination to twirl sticks while playing drums, but that's not the point. Sure, twirling sticks can make your performance more visually appealing, but at what cost? If a drummer's primary focus is on twirling their sticks, they may miss out on the important details of the beat. I am not talking about this from a jealousy perspective. I am talking about it from the perspective of the audience who deserves the best performance possible. With twirling sticks, you risk sacrificing those intricate details instead of embracing them.

At the same time, I do agree that it can be an entertaining experience to watch a drummer twirl their sticks. That being said, it should be a secondary goal to playing drums accurately and with attention to detail. Certainly, twirling sticks can add an element of showmanship, but it should never detract from the overall quality of the performance.

In the end, I think this boils down to having respect for both skills: the ability to twirl sticks and the ability to play drums with finesse and attention to detail. Ultimately, it is important for drummers not to forget their primary goal: creating a mesmerizing beat with every detail in place. That's why I believe that twirling sticks should only be done as an afterthought, if time allows for it. After all, when it comes down to it, what is more impressive - twirling sticks or creating an unforgettable beat? The answer is pretty clear!