It's true that anti-straw activists are actively promoting the reduction of plastic cup usage, as was mentioned in the retort. But what was overlooked is that these same activists are using plastic straws as a stepping stone to greater plastic reduction goals. That's why they're so heavily focused on reducing plastic straw consumption; not because they are giving a "free pass" to plastic cups, but because they are strategically targeting an easily recognizable solution to a broader problem.

It's true that plastic cups are harder to recycle or dispose of properly, and take longer to decompose than plastic straws. But what the retort fails to mention is that plastic straws are a larger contributor to ocean pollution, as documented by numerous studies. And while these same studies might also cite plastic cups as another source of pollution, the numbers clearly show that plastic straws are a major contributor in this regard.

In conclusion, what was said in the retort was partially correct: anti-straw activists are attempting to reduce plastic cup usage. But their efforts are ultimately focused on plastic straws due to their relative abundance in the ocean and their damaging effects on marine life and wildlife. So, essentially, it's far more effective for anti-straw activists to focus on reducing plastic straws than plastic cups - so there's no need to claim They'reRong for supposedly ignoring the latter. Plus, they get extra points for being such good environmentalists!