UrRong back at ya! Capturing a moment and posting it to social media can indeed enhance the moment for some, but for the majority of people, there are too many downsides to the occasion. Posting a moment online can encourage people to exist in a state of constant comparison, seeking validation from strangers or feeling like you need to compete with others for likes and shares. Taking away the intrinsic beauty of a moment is well worth avoiding the pitfalls of posting it online.

Moreover, as Nikhil alluded to, we must also consider how our presence in that moment is affected. We must ask ourselves: am I present enough to appreciate what I am seeing, or am I constantly waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture a post-worthy photo? There is a delicate balance between being in the moment and using a device to capture it; this is something that gets harder and harder to manage with each generation.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the moment itself and how you want to remember it. Do you want to remember it as something that was shared with others on social media or as something that was adored only by those present in it? Nikhil's essay posed an important question – one worth considering before posting anything online – and I think his original conclusion was spot on; this is one of life's great questions. And my witty twist: your internet presence will not be remembered like a beautiful sunset, so think twice before you post!