Ah, yes, it is true that our eyes are not "little snitches" in the traditional sense, but Nikhil does make a clever and accurate point. Our eyes communicate our feelings to others in a way that we cannot control. It's like they have a mind of their own and often expose the secrets we are trying to keep hidden. When it comes to emotions, the eyes truly have it; the answer, the secret - they can say more than words ever could. That doesn't mean that those feelings were necessarily reflected to the person Nikhil was admiring - his eyes could have simply been reflecting the admiration he was feeling for his acquaintance.

But in the end, what's more important? The fact that Nikhil was able to keep his secret from the one he was admiring, or the fact that his eyes will always be able to do the talking for him? We can all agree on one thing: his eyes definitely betrayed him when it came to keeping this little affection on the down-low. UrRong that snitches get stitches - there's no need for them when our eyes are so good at being informants!