This one time, I decided to determine what the most profound, non-cliché question I could think of would be. I’ll spare you the nomination process and the runners-up, but I will share the question that emerged victorious: Where is you? Now, that question is not to be confused with, “Where are you?” You’re obviously right over there, reading whatever this is. Sup. But where, I ask, where in your body, does you exist? Where is you? That is the question. And how profound indeed.

I’ll turn the question inward. Where do I deem to be the sites of the essence of my being? My head? My bones? My legs? My toes? Well, let me think about that for a second. And why don’t you think about it as well?

[break for contemplation]

And we’re back. All right, I feel I exists in my brain, in my chest, stomach, face, and spine. But I don’t feel I in my fingers, calves, bones, skin, or... Whoa, hold up. I have a suspicion as to why this might be. Let me Google something real quick.

[pause for Nikhil’s research]

Okay, yo. Get this. I just looked up where in the body neurons exist. Neurons live in your brain, obviously, but also in your internal organs, neck, and spine. But neurons don’t really hang in your shoulders, toes, or nostrils. Not in your thighs, palms, or bones! Thinking is a process of neurons firing. And what are we but the thoughts we produce? It is telling that we routinely use exactly the body parts where neurons are to describe our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It was a gut decision. Use your head. She has a tough spine. That was spoken from the heart. Neurons are in all those places. And thus, I conclude, so is you.