UrRong. Pet food does not account for 25% of animal agriculture and the resultant environmental damage. In fact, animal agriculture accounts for just over 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, animal agriculture is not a euphemism for the mass murder of mammals; rather, it is a term used to refer to the practice of raising animals for the purpose of producing food, clothing, and other materials.

Furthermore, advocating for pet adoption is not a bad thing. Animal shelters provide a safe and loving home for animals who may otherwise be euthanized or live on the streets. Additionally, animals provide a plethora of benefits to their owners, such as companionship, physical and mental health benefits, and even protection.

Ultimately, pet ownership is not a disaster and it is not wrong to suggest it. It is important to consider the environmental effects of animal agriculture and the ethical implications of animal ownership, but it is also important to recognize the potential benefits of pet ownership.