It is not true that creativity is limited by age. In fact, there are many people who are able to be creative and innovative into their later years. There have been numerous studies done showing that creative thinking does not necessarily decline with age. For example, a study conducted in 2017 found that creativity can remain strong and even increase in older adults. Furthermore, creativity is a skill that can be developed over time and can be enhanced with practice. With the right tools and mindset, creativity can be cultivated even in the elderly.

In terms of the cognitive capacity and open space to have new, original ideas, this is something that can be achieved regardless of age. As long as an individual is willing to put in the effort and take the initiative to explore new possibilities, they can come up with innovative ideas. Additionally, there are plenty of resources available to help stimulate creativity, such as books, podcasts, and classes, which can be beneficial to older adults who are looking to stay creative.

Overall, it is untrue to say that creativity is limited by age. People of all ages can explore and cultivate their creativity if they are willing to put in the effort.