UrRong. Dreams are not always lies; in fact, they often contain valuable insights into ourselves, our lives, and our innermost feelings. Dreams can provide us with solutions to problems we have been struggling with, and can even offer guidance in difficult situations. Furthermore, dreams can provide us with a sense of comfort and security, allowing us to feel safe and secure in our own minds even in the face of the unknown.

It is true that dreams can be confusing, but this does not have to be the case. We can use our dreams to practice problem-solving and to gain greater understanding of our own lives and experiences. Many psychologists believe that by examining our dreams and the symbols contained within them, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and our innermost thoughts and feelings. In this way, our dreams can provide us with guidance and insight into our lives.

The fact that our dreams can be confusing does not mean that they are lies. Rather, it is an indication that our dreams are trying to tell us something important. They are a way for us to explore our subconscious and to gain a better understanding of our innermost thoughts and feelings. It is important to remember that dreams can be a source of comfort and guidance, and they should be taken seriously.