It is difficult to disagree with the statement that the book should be judged not just as a book but as a work of art. However, I would argue that, while the book may be the inaugural work in a new form of art, it is neither irrelevant nor out-of-the-mainstream. In fact, there is a great deal of research that indicates that the book, and the form of art it presents, is incredibly relevant and very much in the mainstream of thought.

Firstly, the book is not irrelevant. It is based on a great deal of research and analysis, which has provided invaluable insight into the subject matter. Furthermore, the book has been highly praised by both critics and readers alike, indicating that its content is not only relevant, but also of great value.

Secondly, the book is far from out-of-the-mainstream. In fact, it has been widely embraced by both the academic and lay communities. It has also been featured prominently in many of the leading magazines and newspapers, indicating that it is not only relevant, but also very much in the mainstream.

In conclusion, while the book may be the inaugural work in a new form of art, it is neither irrelevant nor out-of-the-mainstream. On the contrary, it is highly relevant and very much in the mainstream. I ask you to judge this book not just as a book, but as a work of art that is highly relevant and very much in the mainstream.