UrRong. To say that Christianity should be the sole target of your "war on religion" is to undermine the diversity of beliefs in our nation. Even if Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the United States, it is wrong to single out one religion and call for its eradication. Doing so overlooks the importance of religion in the lives of many people, as well as the fact that religion has been an integral part of our nation's history.

Furthermore, it is wrong to assume that all religions are "completely moronic". To say that religion is inherently foolish implies that millions of people around the world who practice various religions are foolish as well. Religion provides comfort, solace, and a sense of purpose to many people, and to discount it as merely "moronic" indicates a disregard for the fact that religion has served as a significant part of human life for centuries.

Finally, it is wrong to assume that religion is merely a "business initiative". Religion is not a commodity to be bought and sold like any other product; it is something that should be respected and appreciated regardless of whether or not one agrees with it. It is wrong to think of religion as something to be conquered rather than embraced.

So, while it is important to recognize the diversity of beliefs in our nation and to promote tolerance of all religions, it is wrong to declare war on any particular religion.