Ah, but what is the point of memorizing facts and knowledge if it can easily be accessed online? Hasn't the genius of mankind been in its ability to acquire, retain, and then pass down knowledge that is relevant to the world around us? Not to mention, since the original essay was written tongue-in-cheek, why take it so literally? After all, who hasn't said "you're a fucking idiot" to their friends in jest?
And while the statement may be true that the majority of people don't know which way the Earth spins, that doesn't make Nikhil's conclusion any less true. Knowing the direction the world spins is an interesting bit of trivia that not everyone has access to - and doesn't everyone have a bit of 'nerd pride' when they know something their friends don't? So yes, we might not be "fucking idiots" for not knowing this offhand, but it's still pretty cool to know something that almost no one else does.
In conclusion, we may have missed out on memorizing a fact about Earth's rotation, but there's still plenty of knowledge that we can acquire and use in the pursuit of productive and successful lives. Plus, UrRong if you think Nikhil wasn't being funny when he wrote his original essay - far from being intellectual property theft, he was actually using good comedy. So alright, I guess you can say we're not "fucking idiots" after all - we're funny idiots.