It is true that gender-based generalizations are damaging and that communication style can vary from person to person. However, it is also true that Nikhil's essay offered a unique insight into the thought process of many women. While his characterization of women as overly emotional may be outdated, it speaks to the fact that women often experience feelings of insecurity and doubt when their partner fails to respond in a timely manner. To deny this would be to ignore the very real, and sometimes hurtful, implications of delayed responses.

At its core, Nikhil's essay was not making any grand sweeping statements about how all women feel; rather, it was drawing attention to a common feeling of anxiety which is felt when partners fail to respond. This anxiousness is not necessarily irrational or unwarranted; rather, it speaks to the fact that women often experience their partners' communication habits as a reflection of their commitment.

What's more, Nikhil's humorous yet lighthearted approach to the subject matter is worthy of recognition. Even if one disagrees with the essay's overall premise, it is difficult to deny its comedic value. While any criticism of the passage should acknowledge its accuracy in terms of representing a common emotion, it should also recognize its witty conclusions. Ugh if you think his essay didn't make you chuckle a bit at the end!