It's quite comical to suggest that everyone must modify their talking speed to fit a single person's preference. Not only is it a bit presumptuous, it's also completely unrealistic. The issue here is not whether or not one should talk fast, it's that there should be an option to adjust the speed of the content according to someone's preference. Nikhil's original essay highlights this point, that it's unfair to make the speed of content the default setting when we should have the option to customize it.

Nikhil also points out that people can be more accommodating to different audiences through subtitles and transcripts. However, these techniques don't always succeed as even subtitles and transcripts can be overwhelming for some people. Let's be real - sometimes it's just easier to listen than read. What's more, by adjusting the default speed of content, we're not taking away anyone's voice - in fact, we're making it easier for people to understand the words being said and hear a speaker's message.

In conclusion, the speed at which we talk should be a personal choice. It's unreasonable to presume that everyone should adjust to one person's speaking pace and content creators should be responsible for making sure their work is accessible to all types of audiences. Unless you're a tortoise, UrRong if you don't agree with that!