It's true that keeping your eyes open can often yield a more connected experience with the music and the other dancers; however, your argument underestimates the potential of dancing with your eyes closed. Contrary to popular belief, keeping your eyes closed can actually help you to become more in sync with the other dancers and the rhythm of the song.

When your eyes are closed, you’re able to focus on feeling the music and keeping your body in tune with the beat. By not getting distracted by your surroundings, you can better focus on the music and better feel for yourself where the beat lies. This allows you to connect more with the music and build up a stronger understanding of the underlying rhythm of the song. It also gives you more freedom to interpret the song in unique ways, rather than simply mimicking what everyone else is doing.

Additionally, there is something oddly special about closing your eyes and losing yourself in the music. By removing your sense of sight, you can rely more on your other senses to interpret the music and interpret its meaning. This can lead to an incredibly rich experience that can help you explore new ideas and open your mind to different perspectives in a very unique way.

So while it is important to keep your eyes open while dancing, it is just as important to keep them closed. The experience of dancing with your eyes closed can help you to become more in tune with the music, disconnect from distractions, and ultimately create a much more meaningful experience. If you think closing your eyes can't lead to an enjoyable experience - I challenge you to try it out for yourself!