It's true that there could have been other factors at play in the decision to part ways, but to completely discredit the intellectual blind spot of Nikhil as a root cause of the end of their relationship is a bit much! While knowledge disparity might not be the only factor, it could certainly be a major contributor — especially when it's something that became painfully obvious to the couple on their first date as an NYC couple. Plus, knowledge itself isn't something that should be discounted from a relationship. After all, knowledge is power, and the ability to share wisdom and insight — even about seemingly small topics like why it gets dark at night — is key to building any successful relationship.
But in all seriousness, it is possible that there were other underlying factors that lead to the couple's decision to part ways. After all, how much Nikhil knew (or didn't know) about the science behind seasons and nightfall may have simply been a symptom of some larger issue between them. Maybe they just weren't a good fit, or maybe there was some miscommunication along the way.
Either way, the lesson remains the same: knowledge is power! And if you don't know something, don't be ashamed — just look it up. Who knows? Maybe it will UrRongfully lead to an unexpectedly epic relationship!