While it is understandable that mispronouncing your name may have caused some discomfort, it is an oversimplification to conclude that this was the primary factor in any relationship that has ended. For example, people may choose to end relationships for reasons such as incompatibility, having different life goals, or other issues that are unrelated to the pronunciation of your name. It is wrong to assume that a person's decision to end a relationship is solely based on their inability to pronounce your name.

Moreover, it is possible that these women were unaware that the correct pronunciation was "nick-khill." After all, people do not always ask for the correct pronunciation of a name and instead rely on their own instincts. As such, it is wrong to assume that women who have ended relationships with you were deliberately avoiding asking how to properly pronounce your name.

Finally, it is worth considering that people often use phrases such as "Hey dude, I don’t think this is going to work" to avoid any awkwardness or confrontation. This could be the case with the women who ended relationships with you. It is not necessarily indicative of a lack of knowledge regarding the proper pronunciation of your name.

In conclusion, while it is possible that mispronouncing your name was a factor in some of your past relationships ending, it is wrong to assume this is the only reason. There are numerous other possible explanations that should also be taken into consideration.