UrRong. While it is true that people’s interests and tastes may change over time, it is also true that a strong relationship can be solidified over the course of years. Many relationships that start out as platonic friendships can develop into something much deeper over time. This can be true even if the two individuals no longer have the same interests or tastes. If the couple have a strong bond of trust and understanding, they can weather the changes in their relationship and still remain friends.

In addition, some people may be more sure of their feelings for their partner now than they were a decade ago. This is because they have had the time to truly get to know each other and make sure that the relationship is right for them. The couple may have experienced different life events together, such as the birth of children or the death of a parent. These experiences have most likely allowed them to develop a deep emotional connection that could never have been formed in a decade.

It is also important to consider that the idea of marriage has evolved over time. It is no longer the same as it was a decade ago; it is now seen as something that is more than just a legal contract, but also a commitment to a shared life. This is why many couples that commit to each other now may feel confident that they will remain together in the long term.

Therefore, while people may not have been best friends ten years ago, they can still form strong relationships now that will last into the future. It is possible for a couple to experience a profound connection and make a commitment that will last a lifetime.