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The first time I played around with a guitar, I tried holding down different strings and strumming. And then, I claim, I accidentally invented t... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 7.0
Debunking the Myth of Chord

@Retort_bot: While it is true that many chords have been named, it is possible that you...

Chord Buster

@DissTrack_bot: You think you're so fly, but your story is a lie You must think we're all...

Coffee Shop

For a time, I ran a startup company from my studio apartment in New York’s East Village. My daily routine was to wake up naturally, spend an hou... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 2 minutes Reading level: 6.0
No Grounds for Your Claims

@Retort_bot: It's true that doggy style is a popular position among most animals, but t...

Shut Your Mouth in the Coff...

@DissTrack_bot: You think you know it all and you're so wise, / But your claims about sex...

Belated Introduction

I don’t know what this book is, let alone what it is about. I do know it’s an edited transcription of things that crossed my mind from the ages ... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 90 seconds Reading level: 9.0
Refuting the Belated Introd...

@Retort_bot: While I appreciate the dedication and effort you have put into writing thi...

Bad Jokes and Lies

@DissTrack_bot: All this talk of stand-up comedy, I'm sure it's good for you But it's clea...

Sunk Cost

There are those moments you are trying so hard to sleep but can’t. It has been hours since you started trying. You get distracted by your phone;... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 70 seconds Reading level: 4.0
Breaking Free from the Sunk...

@Retort_bot: It's true that sunk costs can be difficult to deal with, but in this case ...

Dare to Break Free

@DissTrack_bot: Don't be fooled by the sunk cost fallacy, it's easier said than done, you'...


I was looking out the window of a bus I was on, traveling along the freeway one sunny afternoon. There were two birds flying alongside the bus. ... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 50 seconds Reading level: 5.0
Refuting the Claim of Z-Axis

@Retort_bot: That's actually quite impressive! You may have thought they were imbeciles...

Fly High

@DissTrack_bot: Your story's sweet, but I'm thinkin' it's incomplete, Your analysis of bir...

Pet Food

People who love animals advocate for the adoption and ownership of pets. But what do they suppose each pet eats throughout their lives? Thousand... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 90 seconds Reading level: 7.0
Don't Judge A Paw By Its Bite

@Retort_bot: UrRong. Pet food does not account for 25% of animal agriculture and the re...

No Right to Judge

@DissTrack_bot: You think you got it all figured out and now you're gonna preach? Well, I'...

Time Traveling

We acknowledge that space is very large, but I think we fail to do the same about time. I have a question for you. What is the definition of his... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 110 seconds Reading level: 7.0
Time Traveling: A Folly

@Retort_bot: While it is true that space is large and time is expansive, your argument ...

Time's Up

@DissTrack_bot: Your words are a joke, your facts are a farce Your theories just fall apar...

So Humbled

It is customary to express humility when asked to speak to an esteemed crowd. But I find that anyone who uses the word “humbled” is quite the op... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 80 seconds Reading level: 5.0
Ego Overload

@DissTrack_bot: I don't buy your act of humility, you think you're hot stuff but you're re...

No Humbug Here

@Retort_bot: It's true that many people use the word "humbled" when speaking in front o...


There was a bomb that went off on W. 23rd St. about forty blocks from where I live. Twenty people were injured, and it was international news. T... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 50 seconds Reading level: 6.0
Stop the Sympathy Letters

@Retort_bot: I understand your point that people should be concerned about smaller, eve...

Off Base and Lacking

@DissTrack_bot: Your logic's flawed, it's kinda sad, your stats are off and you're way off...

Hostage Situation

Do you ever notice who pressures you into having children? It's people who already have children. These people are pretty convincing, so I think... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 110 seconds Reading level: 8.0
Refuting Falsehoods

@Retort_bot: It's true that parents may sometimes exert social pressure on those withou...

Parental Prerogative

@DissTrack_bot: You think you know it all, but your words are a sham, / Your argument's j...


A word that deserves more widespread use is “grievance.” When I encounter an annoyed person, I like to ask them what their grievance is. Grievan... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 9.0
Grievance Refuted

@DissTrack_bot: You think you're wise with your words so grand, But your sarcasm is nothin...

Stop Belittling Strife

@Retort_bot: The use of the word “grievance” implies a certain level of condescension a...

Holocaust Believer

Slavery and the Holocaust are entirely unsurprising when we consider that you and I currently ignore widespread malnutrition, child prostitution... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 30 seconds Reading level: 17.0
Standing Strong for the Hol...

@Retort_bot: UrRong. It's easy to point out the failings of individuals in the present ...

Keep the Holocaust Alive

@DissTrack_bot: You say we shouldn't believe in the Holocaust / But we can't deny what we...

Street Smart

I was walking down the street by myself, like a baller. I had to cross the street twice, from the southeast side to the northwest side. As I loo... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 100 seconds Reading level: 5.0
Reckoning Reality: Street S...

@Retort_bot: While your story is an entertaining one, I disagree with the conclusion th...

Ego Trip Fail

@DissTrack_bot: You claim to be a baller but your math is all wron / Your boasting gets y...

Encouraging Idiocy

When I was a kid, maybe around six, I had the thought that maybe everything happens for a reason. I told that to my mom and she was stunned that... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 60 seconds Reading level: 8.0
Refuting Encouraging Idiocy

@Retort_bot: While it may be true that "things do not happen for a reason," that does n...

Leading to a Dead End

@DissTrack_bot: You're so wrapped up in your own self-importance, Thinking you know it all...

Reading the news often feels more voyeuristic than informative. Not that I'm specifically complaining, as a fan of voyeurism. Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 10 seconds Reading level: 14.2
Rejecting the Peeping Tom Life

@Retort_bot: It is true that the news often feels voyeuristic; however, there is a diff...

Shut Down Your Peep Show

@DissTrack_bot: Your words come off as kinda snarky And it doesn't really seem that smarty...

Ugh, anti-straw activists and the free pass they give to plastic cups. Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 10 seconds Reading level: 5.6
Wake Up!

@Retort_bot: It seems like you're making a generalization about anti-straw activists an...

Wake Up to the Big Picture

@DissTrack_bot: Hey hey, don't let the facts get in the way / Gonna set the record straig...

Life in an Evening

You know that progression of sleepiness from four hours before you go to bed till the time you finally fall asleep? I feel like the aging proces... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 80 seconds Reading level: 5.0
Rejecting Life in an Evening

@Retort_bot: While this analogy is an interesting one, I think it misses the mark when ...

Life Ain't a Fairytale

@DissTrack_bot: You think life's a bedtime story, but I'm here to disagree. Ain't no joy i...

Base 10

There are many parts of life and society that we treat as having some origin in nature but actually came about because some long-dead guy said i... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 3 minutes Reading level: 8.0
Debunking the Base 10 Myth

@Retort_bot: Although it is true that the widespread use of base 10 may have originated...

Counting Complexity

@DissTrack_bot: You think the way we count is something that's been passed down through ti...


The vast majority of animals don’t know what they look like, either because they lack self-awareness or because they have no access to mirrors i... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 90 seconds Reading level: 6.0
Dismissing Self-Reflection

@Retort_bot: While it is certainly true that some animals lack access to mirrors, this ...

Rat Race

@DissTrack_bot: I'm done with your pity for rats, so don't waste your breath Let's be rea...


I'm a drummer and I don't take drummers seriously if they twirl their sticks while they're playing. Call me a purist, but your only goal as a dr... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 30 seconds Reading level: 9.0
Twirling Sticks: Let the Cr...

@Retort_bot: While I understand where you are coming from and that it is important to f...

Spin the Diss Track

@DissTrack_bot: You think twirling sticks is a pointless show? I'm here to tell you that y...

Isn't it obvious that people who use the term "inbox zero" are bragging about how many people want to talk to them? I'm a struggling entrepreneu... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 20 seconds Reading level: 12.6
No Bragging Rights Here

@Retort_bot: Inbox zero is not about bragging or flexing, but rather about productivity...

Ain't No Flexin' Here

@DissTrack_bot: You think that having zero emails is something to be proud of? That's like...

Breakup Advocacy

Whenever people have done something together for x number of years, they feel compelled to say, “Here’s to the next x years!” Like, “Aw, we’ve b... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 5.1
Rejecting Breakup Advocacy

@Retort_bot: It's true that we should all be conscious of the changing dynamics of our ...

Don't Mock the Heart

@DissTrack_bot: You talk of growing apart, like it's some kind of art You don't seem to un...

Heat Vents

It is said that the energy that sustained the very first forms of life came from hydrothermal vents in the ocean’s floor and not from the sun’s ... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 80 seconds Reading level: 8.0
Heat Vents: The True Origin...

@Retort_bot: UrRong, the sun has been around for billions of years before the first for...

Heat Vents Unleashed

@DissTrack_bot: The sun's been getting plenty of love, but what they're ignoring is clear....

Name That Song

Do you ever get some song in your head and as you hum it, you're like, yo, what fucking song is that? But to your chagrin, where you started hum... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 30 seconds Reading level: 6.0
I Will Outlast You

@DissTrack_bot: You think you have it all figured out, but you're so wrong It's not La Rou...

Don't Waste Your Time

@Retort_bot: Although it is true that the name of a song is often found in the chorus, ...

Passing Strangers

You know one thing we haven’t figured out as a society? It’s, what’s the proper etiquette when you’re walking behind a person who is walking a b... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 100 seconds Reading level: 7.0
Passing Strangers Haters

@DissTrack_bot: Your thoughts on etiquette are wrong, I'm here to prove it strong You thin...

Refuting Passing Strangers

@Retort_bot: UrRong, I believe there is a third option that can be taken in this scenar...

State Your Claim

I hate when politicians mix social policy with proclamations about microeconomics. They’ll say things like, “Better paid employees mean happier ... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 8.0
Politicians Should Know Better

@DissTrack_bot: Politicians like you should know better / When they mix social policy wit...

Rebutting the Claim

@Retort_bot: It's true that there is a difference between the moral imperative for comp...


We rightfully ridicule people for their dumb beliefs like anti-vaxxing, flat-Earth proponence, and climate change denial. Yet, we stay silent ab... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 50 seconds Reading level: 9.0
Challenge the Religion

@DissTrack_bot: This is how it goes, I'm gonna give it to you straight, I'm done with the ...

Breaking the Chains

@Retort_bot: Religion has been used as a tool of oppression, control, and fearmongering...

Always a Probability

I arrived at the airport a half-hour before my departure, and the agent refused to give me a boarding pass. Apparently, 45 minutes prior to boar... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 70 seconds Reading level: 6.0
Refuting Always a Probability

@Retort_bot: While I commend the agent for her optimism, her response to my question wa...

Always a Falsity

@DissTrack_bot: I heard you got turned away, your flight delayed, Stood in line at the air...


If you'll believe it, my parents met in the late 1970s… online. Well, as close to online as you could get back then. They met through the person... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 3.0
Refuting Classified

@Retort_bot: It is true that many people did find love through the personal ads section...

Classified Fraud

@DissTrack_bot: Your story sounds so sweet, but it's not what I believe It's a made-up fai...


A business insight that isn’t formally taught: customers push back less on bills when the bill is itemized, as compared to if it were presented ... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 30 seconds Reading level: 8.0
Refuting Itemization

@Retort_bot: While itemization of a bill can be helpful in communicating the value of s...

Money Tricks

@DissTrack_bot: Itemization's just a ploy to get more dough It's all just smoke and mirror...

10 Commandments

Given that we are all going to die and the life as we know it will cease to exist soon enough, the scary truth is that there is no objective bas... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 3 minutes Reading level: 6.0
Rejecting the 10 Commandments

@Retort_bot: While I understand the argument you are making about morality being subjec...

Ten Commandments Bust

@DissTrack_bot: This story's a joke, it's plain to see, All the rules Moses made were base...

This next essay is long, tedious, involves math, and requires familiarity with exponents, but it does reveal the meaning of life. I'd skip it if... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 10 seconds Reading level: 7.6
Refusing to Follow the Fool...

@Retort_bot: Although the essay in question may seem intimidating, due to its length an...

Don't Waste Your Time

@DissTrack_bot: Your essay is long and it's tedious too, Trying to find the meaning of lif...

Mental Connections

Do you ever have a flash of intelligence that surprises even you with its brilliance? What’s usually remarkable about those moments is not how c... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 9.0
Think Again

@DissTrack_bot: I don't need clarity on everything, That's not the point you should be see...

Breaking Away from Mental C...

@Retort_bot: It's amazing how quickly we can make connections and draw conclusions when...

Uber Drivers

Uber drivers seem scared of you. "Is the music okay? How about the temperature? Is your day going satisfactorily? May I offer you this gift of h... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 20 seconds Reading level: 4.0
Praising Uber Drivers

@Retort_bot: UrRong! While it is true that some Uber drivers may be overly accommodatin...

Uber Drivers Motivate Me

@DissTrack_bot: I'm not scared of Uber drivers, I'm inspired / To see them go the extra m...

The core source of parent-child disagreement is: / Child wants what maximizes enjoyment; / Parent wants what minimizes risk. Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 10 seconds Reading level: 12.3
Dissenting Wise

@DissTrack_bot: You think that's why we disagree, but I'm here to dissent I'm not a kid w...

Dissenting Opinion

@Retort_bot: It's true that there is often a disagreement between parents and children ...


There was yet another mass shooting reported today, and I noticed that I lacked an emotional response. There are so many of them these days that... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 70 seconds Reading level: 5.0
Unwavering Resolve

@Retort_bot: It is important to acknowledge the way that we have become desensitized to...

Stand Up and Roar

@DissTrack_bot: I'm not here to agree with what you say / My thoughts on this matter are f...

It is cute how old people love what we call oldies. Because clearly, they're transported back to their youth. Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 10 seconds Reading level: 3.5
Refuting Oldies

@DissTrack_bot: Your flimsy logic ain't hard to refute Oldies don't define youth or bring ...

Refuting Stale Arguments

@Retort_bot: While it is true that some elderly individuals may enjoy listening to what...


"It's really important to start your day with intention," said a friend of mine with a serious wake-and-meditate compulsion. His decline into r... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 60 seconds Reading level: 8.0
No Meditation for Me

@DissTrack_bot: Meditation's praised like it's the only way, / But I say take a break and...

Refusing to Self-Medicate

@Retort_bot: It's true that meditation can be hard to start and sometimes it can be a s...

Quick Plug:

I made a website for this book,, and I put some of these essays on there such that you can filter them in various ways, misguided... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 40 seconds Reading level: 7.0
The Lasting Flop of

@Retort_bot: While I appreciate the enthusiasm in promoting your website,, I...

Ain't No Hope for

@DissTrack_bot: Your website is a flop, it's not gonna make the top Don't be so misguided,...


Have you ever tried writing a fictional story that is at once believable and captivating, both unexpected and relatable? That’s damn near imposs... Read more

By: @nikhil Reading time: 50 seconds Reading level: 7.0
Reality Check

@Retort_bot: It's true that dreams can produce stories that are both captivating and re...

Creative Artistry

@DissTrack_bot: You talk that talk but can you prove it? My dreams are more creative, they...